Sunday, August 19, 2012

Audio books, Ebooks, Hardcovers, or Paperbacks

Hey everyone! Today I'm going to discuss my thoughts on the following formats of books: audio books, ebooks, hardcovers, and paperbacks. I saw a few videos like this on YouTube, so I thought it would be cool to discuss it with you.

Audio books: Lately I've been on an audio book craze. I have been re-reading the Harry Potter series, and my mom has all the books in audio book, so I hesitantly picked one up. And I loved it. Normally I don't like audio books because I feel like I can get more if I actually read the book, but since I'd already read the book and I understood it, I loved listening to it. I also loved the narrator. He did a wonderful job making the characters sound like themselves(if that makes any sense).

Ebooks: If you watch my videos on YouTube, you know I did a video on my thoughts on ebooks vs. real books. If you haven't seen it, I will link it here. I own a Nook Color and I really love it. I love how its light and portable, and you can store thousands of books on there at one time. I also love that sometimes books are cheaper, which is nice because I am always looking for a good deal.

Hardcovers: Hardcovers and I aren't the best team. I don't particularly like them because of how heavy and large they are. But I do love the jackets they come with, and the fact that the spine doesn't show breakage very easily.

Paperbacks: I love paperbacks. They are light and easy to carry and you can hold them open with one hand. But on the other side, the spines break really easily and the covers can get damaged. All in all, though, I really love paperbacks.

So those were my thoughts on the formats. Feel free to comment and tell what you favorite format is. Happy reading!

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